Swallowfield Local History Society
This Months Meeting
March 2025 Meeting
This months meeting will be our AGM.
Meeting in Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall at 8.00pm.
New members and visitors are always welcome at our meetings, which are
generally held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at
Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall at 7.45 for 7.30p.m.
See the Current Programme page to view our current schedule of Talks.
Annual Subscription £5.00
Meeting Admission
£2.00 Members
£3.00 Visitors
Swallowfield Local History Society
e-mail address - slhsoc@yahoo.co.uk
We are an active group and currently looking at the history of the villages. We have a a large amount of information in our archive and our librarian is collating this. We now have this on view in the Rose Room, Parish Hall.
Those having any historic documents which they would like to donate to the archive should contact our Archivist/Librarian.
Jennifer Highwood
e-mail: slhsoc@yahoo.co.uk
The Society was formed in 1988 by a small band of enthusiasts. Monthly meetings are being held under the Chairmanship of Ken Hussey. We talked initially about the parish as it used to be but have since needed to widen our scope to neighbouring villages and beyond.
There are many aspects of local life waiting to be remembered or rediscovered. Both need volunteers - either by villagers willing to recount their experiences or by those having time to research a chosen subject. From the personal experience of the writer, the latter can be very rewarding. There is much information in untapped archives. The Reading Reference Library and The Berkshire Records Office, to name just two sources, abound with information. Staff are always willing to help members.

Welcome to the Swallowfield Local History Society Website
Dedicated to the study, sharing and recording of the history of
Swallowfield, Riseley. Farley Hill and Neighbouring Villages.